Sunday, December 16, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas in Vicksburg!

Well, I think it's official. Our holiday 2007 plans are to spend the weekend in Vicksburg with Debra. (Deb, better get to cooking) ;)
I'm excited about spending time in Vicksburg this year. I can't remember the last time I was in Vicksburg. I think our plan so far, is for everyone to travel down to Vicksburg on Thursday evening(Dec. 20th) and be there for Laura's graduation the next morning. Then we'll spend the weekend playing games, touring Vicksburg, eating, playing more games, snacking, playing more games, and of course, eating some more. Then at some point we'll be playing Dirty Santa! I already have that special place on my mantle for my dirty Santa gift!
I'll then drive Cody back to Birmingham at some point - probably late Sunday or early Monday (Christmas eve). Mom and Jan will probably stay in Vicksburg till Christmas Day (Or Christmas Eve). I'll actually be back in Birmingham on Christmas Eve for the first time. (Jaxon has been worried not getting any gifts from Santa because he tore up his outside sleeping pillow, but I reasurred him that he hasn't been such a bad dog and that Santa loves him anyways). So, it will be a lot going on that weekend and so much fun! I know that Mom has already been out buying things and planning her trip. It'll be great being together to celebrate. By the way, do you think there is any chance of snow in Vicksburg at Christmas? ha, yeah, I didn't think so.

snow image
Christmas in Vicksburg

Jaxon the Amazing Paper Dog!

So, when we first got Jaxon, we thought, wouldn't it be great to be able to teach him to get the morning paper. (Especially on cold days). Well, miracles happen in December right? He has been getting the paper for about a week now. The Sunday papers are a little tougher, especially this close to Christmas with all the sale flyers. Here's the video:

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Thanksgiving was alot of fun. It was great to see everyone. Notice that the photo of Laura. Despite what she looks like, she's NOT full of turkey and dressing. Although, little Jedi Knight was probably full of turkey that day.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dirty Santa!

It's Back...
By Popular Demand!


Well, I laugh everytime that I think back to that game of Dirty Santa last year (or two years ago). I don't even remember what I got that year, but, I do remember the Belly Dancing kit (see photo above) and that shelving that Ken broke... uh, I mean got. So, Becky, start thinking of a good gift. I'm looking around the house for a good gift. Hmm... what about a doggie ball? ha -- since we have so many dogs in our family now, that might be a popular gift. So, put your thinking caps on. See you all soon.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tis the Season...

We just got this in from the North Pole and looks like some of the Hydricks have been working overtime to spread some holiday joy! Thanks for the email John, although it wasn't really that difficult to imagine you all dancing like these elves.

Here's the link to watch them dance.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Turkey

Ok, I tried to find a photo of Josh to use here, but, couldn't find a good one. SO, I chose THIS TURKEY instead!

Can't wait to see everybody.

Friday, November 16, 2007



Just as we all expected, Jan made it through the Great American Smokeout and QUIT SMOKING!!! She is now one of thousands of people who succeed and quit smoking during the Smokeout!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Beautiful Fall Colors

Even with the drought that we've had, the trees are looking great!
Thanks Mom for the photos - who needs the Smokie Mountains when you have these trees in your yard?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Simon Says No Smoking!

I've created a little 'distraction' for Janice so that when those cravings get tough, she can distract herself with a game of SIMON! Just hit the play button below and see how far your memory will take you.

Monday, November 5, 2007

More Exciting News...

Just last week I was talking about how our family was "Expanding". Well, here we go again (just not adding a baby this time).
Kyle and Lynne Tripp are getting married!!! The date has finally been set for March 1, 2008. WOW Spring 2008 is going to be a busy one. First Laura and Jay's baby, then Kyle and Lynne's wedding! Kyle -- Congrats to you both!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

Well, our family is expanding these days -- Well, at least Laura is expanding these days! LOL

It's really cool that one of my neices/nephews is having a baby! I can't believe time has already passed so quickly.
Mom is only 3 and 1/2 months away from being a Great Grandmother, Jan and Ray Great Uncle and Aunt, Josh, Becky and Jim: Aunts and Uncles!!! and Debra and Ken, GRANDPARENTS and Laura and Jay, PARENTS! (WOW, Laura and Jay: Parents!) I know that Jay and Laura will be great parents. I can't wait to see Nathan, or whatever his name will be. Congrats to Laura and Jay! Laura and Deb, keep us updated on your progress! Also, check out the countdown clock to the right of the page - time will fly by!!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Havin' fun with Mtnmommaw

Look at these beauties posing at Newfound Gap, Tennessee! See any similarities? My gray hair is hidden under brown! Deb & Jeannie and Nellie just crusin' through those beautiful Smokies! Rear view is best.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Does James Garner look handsome in his Maverick outfit! The statue marks the center of downtown Norman, Oklahoma where James grew up. Ken and I had a chance to vacation a bit. I've decided I like Ooook - lahoma where the "wind comes sweepin' down the plain." I'll bring my pictures this weekend. See you folks soon.

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's Almost Halloween and THIS IS SCARY!!!

ha --Cody, you know I'm kidding!
Cody finally did it. HE HAS HIS LEARNERS PERMIT. If you don't believe me, here's proof:

I thought about starting this blog entry with some statistic about teenagers and driving (Cody, google that phrase),

or a link to a website that as a parent/teen driver agreement:,

or a chart showing what the consequences might be for not obeying the laws of the road: (,

or a link to a website about talking on cell phones and driving ( but, I won't start this blog entry like that. :)

Yes, we've all been through that point when we learned how to drive and had to convince others that we could drive safely.

Cody, all I can tell you is that you really can't be too cautious. And everything your mom, dad, brother or grandmother (oh, and Uncle) tells you about driving safely, it's all because we've all been there. Congratulations on your learners permit! and be safe.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fall is here!

This weekend's weather has been a breath of fresh air - in more ways in one. It's amazing what a difference it makes - such energy! Saturday morning found me outside cleaning my windows!! Ken cut the grass and cranked up the weed-eater. The butterflies are visiting my lantana but I have trouble getting them to slow down for a picture. Now I'm watching for the spider lilies to push up. The picture is from last year.

I've been remembering our family vacation last August to Montana and the icy rain during our horseback ride. Enough time has passed that I'm thinking about doing that again - my saddle sores have healed!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Laura and her Panama Jack hat!

That wonderful photo of Laura is not from a yard day at Grandmothers, but, a work day at Janice's. Just after she got her house, we all went to Caledonia and worked hard to help her get it ready to move in. From working on cabinets, to yard work, to staining the floors. We all worked HARD! Remember that day? Extreme Makeover Home Edition 'aint got nothing' on the Hydrick Makeover Crew!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Cool Blog

Very cool blog, Ray. Give me some time to get used to this. Picture is from our last family trip to Tishomingo State Park.
Ijust returned from trip to Nashville for women's conference. It was awesome! Nashville's a big city but I think Icould adjust to the beautiful countryside.
The kids are doing fine. We have to make appointments with them to see them because they are so busyliving their lives. We celebrated Becky's birthday at Nagoya's restuarant - sushi and cooked right in front of you - Hibachi style.

Friday, September 7, 2007

I do believe that Laura was sporting that "kewl" hat on one of those work days we had when she made the flower bed and we were putting out mulch and stuff! Indeed Larua will have to post a picture when her tummy begins to expand!

Like the Birmingham picture, Ray!


Thursday, September 6, 2007

It won't be long

Well, it's September 6th, it won't be very long till the weather changes dramatically (I Hope). Normally, I'm a summer person, but this year's drought and heat have worn me out. I doubt we'll see colors like in past years on the trees. They keep publishing articles here about the trees turning brown. They say, they're now, just trying to save themselves by dropping their leaves.

Well maybe another year. Here's a photo I took in Birmingham a few years back. It gives me hope of cooler weather.

Time Flies

I thought everyone would love this photo of Laura. Remember this day? See if you can and let me know when you think it was.
Laura, you should post a few photos of you now -- especially with your growing belly!! ;)
Love ya'll - have a great Day!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I just THOUGHT last week was hot...

WOW -- ok -- I thought it was hot last week. Check out this forecast from our local NBC affiliate. 112? Tha'ts crazy. Well, I guess I'll just drink plenty of fluids (ice tea, ice water), eat some ice cream, sit underneath a fan, and stay cool! LOL

Thursday, August 9, 2007


WOW! IT is HOT! Can you believe the actual temperature is 101 or 102 -- even 103 this week? That's really hot. Be sure to drink plenty of water even if you're inside!!

I was looking at some of the photos I had saved on my work laptop and thought I'd post a few here.

Here goes: and Have a great day!

Friday, August 3, 2007


August 3rd, another milestone in life. Cody is sitting at "Frisbee's", a restaurant opening next week literally behind our house, and putting in a job application. He is driven to do this because of #1 extra money to save up for neat Wii or computer games, and #2 he heard if a 15 yr old has a job, he can apply early for his driver's permit.. (shudder). I hope he gets it, will be good experience for him!!


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Is it hot?

Well, if it's hot outside and we're entering the "Dog days of summer" - meaning, that August will probably be REALLY hot, just hang in there. Have hope that soon it will be fall. Here's proof that it's not that far away:

That's right, one sort of red leaf on my dogwood tree. Lack of water this summer will probably keep the trees from being so virbant this year.

Friday, July 27, 2007

New Blog for us all :)

Hey there, well, I don't know if any of us even want to use that or not, but, I created a blog for us all to use to post comments, or photos, etc. (maybe sonograms??) I'll email you all with some details.. any of you can write a post or post photos etc.

It'll be fun if we use it -- but, it's ok if you don't have time or arent' interested in using this blog.

:) Love ya'll -- have a great weekend.